Contribute to German Chamber Ticker
German Chamber Ticker is always looking for contributions from its readers. We accept contributions in two different categories. If you are interested in contributing to German Chamber Ticker, please carefully read the guidelines below. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Issues in 2017
- 1 | 2017 Feb-March E-Society & Big Data
- 2 | 2017 April-May The Electric Age – E-mobility and Beyond
- 3 | 2017 June-July Organizational Efficiency
- 4 | 2017 Aug-Sept Health and Life Sciences
- 5 | 2017 Oct-Nov Made in China – Start-ups & Innovation
- 6 | 2017/2018 Dec-Jan Green Growth & Sustainability
1. Cover Story Articles
Each issue of German Chamber Ticker devotes several articles to a special cover topic.
To pitch a cover story article, please send an email to Ms. Olivia Helvadjian with the cover topic you would like to write about, the specific angle or aspect of the topic you would like to address, and an explanation of your expertise in the field (if, for instance, you are an executive in the field in question, an academic who studies the field, or a researcher who has recently conducted a survey or interviews on the topic). Please also include a brief outline of the proposed article.
2. Feature Articles
Each issue of German Chamber Ticker also includes several articles on current topics relevant to the Sino-German business community. To pitch a feature article, please send an email to Ms. Olivia Helvadjian with the topic you would like to write about, why you think that this is a topic that would be of interest to German Chamber Ticker readers, and an explanation of your expertise in the field (if, for instance, you are an executive in the field in question, an academic who studies the field, or a researcher who has recently conducted a survey or interviews on the topic). Please also include a brief outline of the proposed article.
Further Guidelines
All submissions should be in English. German Chamber Ticker does not accept any material with a marketing agenda: we cannot print any articles that read like press releases or advertising copy for a particular company, event or publication. German Chamber Ticker also does not print articles that would normally be pitched to a general-interest “lifestyle” magazine: there should always be elements making the piece relevant to the Sino-German business community.
For questions about submitting, or to be provided with more information about topics we’re looking for or our house style, please contact Ms. Olivia Helvadjian.