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German Building Solutions Presented at Sino-German Carbon Neutrality Building Conference in Beijing


The low-carbon transformation of the building sector is a key area for achieving China’s ambitious '30·60' goals for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. With extensive experience in the field of building energy efficiency and carbon reduction application, German companies are well positioned to contribute with their solutions in this sector.

To further support business partnerships in the Chinese construction sector, AHK Greater China hosted a Forum on carbon neutrality building on June 29 in Beijing. The Forum took place in the framework of the "Architecture Carbon Neutrality Technology Conference & Expo" (ACT) and was organized together with the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), ESG Alliance and China State Construction Engineering (CSCEC).

As a highlight event of 2023, more than 150 participants attended the conference, including numerous representatives of German and Chinese companies, institutions of the building and construction sector as well as decision-makers from administration and politics.

On the one hand, the conference provided an overview of current developments and trends in the building sector in China and Germany. On the other hand, the conference included presentations of solutions of selected German companies and institutions as well as possible fields of cooperation with companies in China.

During the introductory presentations and panel discussion, high-ranking German and Chinese representatives and decision-makers from the German Embassy, China Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance, China Academy of Building Research (CABR), Agora Energy Transition and CSCEC provided insights into framework conditions and developments for carbon neutrality building and discussed potentials for Sino-German cooperation regarding low-carbon transformative building design, technologies and materials as well as digitalization.

During the following session, participating German partners Luther Design, SMA Solar Technology, Schüco, SoftGrid and DGNB illustrated a range of advanced German solutions that can support China’s '30·60' decarbonization goals: From innovative systems for windows, doors and facades, highly efficient solar and energy storage products, to sustainable architecture and building design strategies and concepts.

For further information please contact:

Mr. Bernhard FELIZETER
Head of Building, Energy & Environment – econet china
German Industry & Commerce Greater China
Tel: +86-10 6539 6650

Ms. Conghua XU
Project Manager of Building, Energy & Environment – econet china
German Industry & Commerce Greater China
Tel: +86-10 6539 6653